What You Can Expect To Hear In Class:

House party bangers, your favorite pop song, and trending internet mixes

A Mantra I Live By:

If you want to feel special, help others. If you want to always wish you felt special, help yourself

Something I Will Always Say Yes To:

Trying something new

Favorite Song To Ride To:

Don’t go mad - Swedish House Mafia

Something You May Not Know About Me:

I was a competitive synchronized swimmer until the age of 22

When Fran is not working as a Client Solutions Manager at a tech firm, she is lighting up the podium fueled by her passion to help and inspire others.  You can expect hype girl energy, hard work, big smiles, and corny jokes in Fran’s classes. 

‘I want to create a special 50-minute pocket of time that riders can keep as a sacred space.  I was introduced to spin during a devastating period of my life and it became my refuge, joy, consistency, and hope.  I want to be able to share that with others”, Fran says.   Fran continues to share her passion for helping others by supporting various local charities that are dear to her heart.

Fran encourages her guests to come with an open mind & heart, be ready to have fun, and achieve more than you thought was possible. 

When she’s not teaching spin, you can find her moving and sweating at the local barre, pilates, and yoga studios, or digging through a pile of vintage clothing.   


Melissa (MJ)

